Saturday, March 21, 2015

No, we did not go away!

We know we haven't updated this headline in over 15 months.

We have made a lot of changes, and unfortunately the website--while still functional--got pushed to the back-burner.

Now that the weather has hopefully turned for the better in 2015, we're going to be out and about much more. Granted both of us like their homes, but it's nice to go outside without worrying about hypothermia.

A few things haven't changed...we're still putting out top-quality baked goods, LeBron is still the king of Cleveland, and the writing team of WWE Raw still has not figured out how to put together a decent show in years. We are the NXT of cupcakes!

For a full list of evens, please visit us on Facebook, as it is updated far more often.

Hope to see you all soon!
x-Adam and Jim